Terms & Conditions

About the Portal
This website, EWONLINK (the Portal”), is a members' portal operated by the Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW (EWON). Your use of this website, including any of the content or materials on it is governed by these terms and conditions. Your use of this website signifies your acknowledgment and acceptance of these terms and conditions.
EWON grants the Member Organisation or Agent, through its Authorised Users, a revocable and limited licence to access and use the Portal in accordance with these terms of use to view and download information and input user details in connection with the services (authorised purpose).
Authorised users
The Member Organisation is responsible and liable for the consequences of all use of the Portal by its Authorised Users, including all acts and omissions relating to that use.
The Member Organisation must not, and must ensure that its Authorised Users do not:
- disclose their username or password to any other person
- disclose other security information relating to the Portal to any third party
- use the Portal other than for the authorised purpose and in accordance with this agreement
- access or use the Portal in breach of any applicable law.
The Member Organisation or Agent must ensure that an Authorised User does not access or use the Portal after they cease to be an officer, employee of the Member Organisation or Agent.
The Member Organisation agrees to notify EWON immediately on becoming aware, or having reasonable grounds to suspect, a username or password has been lost or stolen or has otherwise been disclosed to or become known by a person other than the Authorised User to whom it belongs.
Complaint data and use of data
EWON’s complaint data will be available through the Portal 24 hours after EWON receives a complaint. EWON’s open case data varies in accordance with case progression and figures in each report reflect case status as at the date the report is run by the Member Organisation
All Authorised Users are responsible for ensuring the data they have access to is shared according to an agreed process within the Member Organisation or Agent.
Reports that contains customer identifiable data must not be shared outside of your organisation. EWON is not responsible for how data is used or shared. Customer data is protected by our privacy policy.
EWON may use personal data provided by a member in accordance with our privacy policy.
User access
Admin Users
Administration Users are responsible for managing the list of users within their organisation who have access to the portal, and for allocating permissions to those members.
Users can be granted permission to access:
- financial information (invoices and cost projectino reports)
- aggregate report information (which does not identify customers)
- individual compliance data (which identifies customers).
Individual customer data is protected by EWON’s privacy policy and reports containing that data must be shared with the strictest confidence within the Member Organisation. These reports cannot be shared with third parties.
Admin users are responsible for ensuring that their Member Organisation’s list of users is up-to-date. Staff members that leave the Organisation must have their access revoked.
Agent users
Some users have ‘agent access’ which allows them to access multiple Member Organisation accounts that they have been given authority to administer under a separate Agent Agreement.
As an agent user you are responsible for ensuring you do not disclose the data of one company to another.
Limitation of liability
Subject to any responsibilities implied by law that cannot be excluded, this site is not liable to you for any loss, damage, claims, liabilities, expenses (including without limitation legal costs and settlement costs) whatsoever arising out of, or attributable to, any content, services or other material on this Portal whether in contract, tort (including negligence), statute or otherwise.
We make every effort to ensure that all material on this Portal is free from error. However, before relying on or acting on material in this Portal you should seek independent advice, and/or contact EWON to discuss it.
We do not guarantee that material on this Portal or any linked website will be free from viruses or that access to this site will be uninterrupted.
All contents © Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW. All rights reserved. Material from this site may not be published without the publisher's permission.
In these terms of use:
Authorised User means an officer or employee of the Member Organisation or Agent who the Member Organisation authorises from time to time to access the Portal and whose name and email address have been notified to EWON in accordance with these terms of use.
Admin User means the means an officer or employee of the Member Organisation who is responsibility for managing users within their organisation have access to the portal, and for allocating permissions to those members.
Member Organisation means an organisation granted access to the member portal
Portal means the EWONLink website https://members.ewon.com.au
EWON means Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW